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[…]to make sure that the con­tent was tech­ni­cal­ly cor­rect, that the deliv­er­ables adhered to the com­pa­ny style guide, and that the items were shipped before or on the agreed-upon deadlines. After suc­cess­ful­ly ship­ping, mean­ing­ful feed­back was hard­ly a del­uge. More real­is­ti­cal­ly, it was a trickle—some anec­do­tal feed­back that a user liked it, or […]

FrameMaker 2017 Delivers New HTML5 Templates

[…]some­what sur­pris­ing that Nielsen found that they are often not very savvy when it comes to for­mu­lat­ing search queries.  He writes: “Typ­i­cal users are very poor at query refor­mu­la­tion: If they don’t get good results on the first try, lat­er search attempts rarely suc­ceed. In fact, they often give up.” As cus­tomers […]

SharePoint 2010 for technical writers

[…]Lots of sup­port con­tent. There are many books, web sites, and blogs about Share­Point. For exam­ple, check out these online train­ing courses. The bot­tom line: Share­Point is a worth­while tool if col­lab­o­ra­tion is impor­tant and you need con­trol over your source files. Sounds like a good fit for most tech­ni­cal […]

Tripane help and PDF files: past their prime?

[…]writ­ers have cri­tiqued the tri­pane online help too. Tech­ni­cal com­mu­ni­ca­tor and blog­ger Tom John­son wrote in his blog: “Although you can tweak its styles here and there, you can’t make tri­pane help look like a reg­u­lar web­site. It just doesn’t fit in with any­thing on the web that you find post-2005. The […]
Read more » Tripane help and PDF files: past their prime?

Three Ways to Customize a Mobile App

[…]per­mit users to select the type of con­tent that appears in an online help sys­tem. For exam­ple, let’s say I have two audi­ences for an online help project: sys­tem admin­is­tra­tors and end users. The read­ers can con­trol the type of con­tent that dis­plays in the help by click­ing the Fil­ter but­ton and […]

HTML5 or EPUB: What is best for technical documentation?

[…]of the con­tent appears dif­fer­ent­ly than if it is viewed on a PC or an iPad. For exam­ple, see the fol­low­ing two screen shots: With EPUB files, you can also choose the fixed lay­out option as well. Fixed lay­out EPUB files are per­fect for cook­books, illus­trat­ed books, and some text­books. With […]
Read more » HTML5 or EPUB: What is best for technical documentation?


[…]lis­ten to oth­er pod­casts that are cre­at­ed by fel­low employ­ees, and even rate and com­ment on the dig­i­tal files using Web 2.0 technology. Three years ago, Microsoft launched Acad­e­my Mobile, which is now host­ing thou­sands of employ­ee-gen­er­at­ed pod­casts. The idea behind the plat­form is that any one of Microsoft’s 90,000 […]


[…]the STC ever could. And they’re free. To sum­ma­rize, the STC is prob­a­bly still use­ful to new­er tech­ni­cal writ­ers. But if you have a pass­ing knowl­edge of some of the lead­ing tech­ni­cal writ­ing blogs (here’s a list of influ­en­tial tech­ni­cal writ­ing blog­gers), and you under­stand where and how to look for work […]

Streamline your MadCap Flare Search Results

[…]fil­ter, which lets users nar­rows their search based on the con­cepts you’ve added to top­ics. For more infor­ma­tion, see Add a search bar to an HTML5 skin. This step is just a quick check to make sure the search bar is con­fig­ured to dis­play in the head­er. See Asso­ciate a skin […]

Do We Rely Too Much on Technology?

[…]lawyers, doc­tors, human resource pro­fes­sion­als, pilots all rely on soft­ware to com­plete aspects of their jobs. The book con­tains many exam­ples of how these well-edu­cat­ed pro­fes­sion­als become over­ly reliant on tech­nol­o­gy and make mistakes—sometimes life-threat­en­ing ones. Online Information May Weaken our Memory In the devel­oped world, most of can­not imag­ine our […]