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ChatGPT: The AI-Powered Proofreader

[…]by Ope­nAI to sim­u­late respons­es that resem­ble human con­ver­sa­tions, saves you time and effort by edit­ing your documents. Copy a page of con­tent into Chat­G­PT and request that it sum­ma­rize the infor­ma­tion. In sec­onds, it sum­ma­rizes the mate­r­i­al before your eyes—much faster than any human that I know. For a tool that is […]

Four Ways Confluence Could Be Better

[…]At the very least, this Source Edi­tor should be includ­ed in Con­flu­ence with­out hav­ing to search for and install the app. Search and replace functionality I worked for a client that rebrand­ed itself, mean­ing that its old name need­ed to be updat­ed on dozens and dozens of Con­flu­ence pages. For author­ing tools […]

Streamline your MadCap Flare Search Results

[…]fil­ter, which lets users nar­rows their search based on the con­cepts you’ve added to top­ics. For more infor­ma­tion, see Add a search bar to an HTML5 skin. This step is just a quick check to make sure the search bar is con­fig­ured to dis­play in the head­er. See Asso­ciate a skin […]

My impressions of the MadCap Flare certification

[…]tech­ni­cal doc­u­men­ta­tion when prod­uct names keep chang­ing (an all-too-com­mon scenario). Think­ing about sin­gle-sourc­ing best practices. Cre­at­ing dif­fer­ent tar­gets using conditions. Set­ting up con­tent so it can eas­i­ly viewed on tablets and mobile devices. Work­ing with Flare con­tent that resides in a con­tent man­age­ment system. Over­all, I am glad I took the test. Even […]
Read more » My impressions of the MadCap Flare certification

Adding Conditions to Microcontent in MadCap Flare 2020

[…]in Flare include build­ing FAQs, work­ing with chat­bots, and adding micro­con­tent to search results. In this blog post, I explain how to add micro­con­tent in Mad­Cap Flare 2020 to your online help search results. What does microcontent look like? If you search for cer­tain terms, such as “con­di­tions” in Mad­Cap Flare’s online […]
Read more » Adding Conditions to Microcontent in MadCap Flare 2020

Online Learning Resources for Technical Writers

[…]the region I live, the local library offers res­i­dents a free mem­ber­ship to If you don’t already have a paid mem­ber­ship, you may want to check whether your library pro­vides com­pli­men­ta­ry access. Here is a sam­pling of some cours­es relat­ed to tech­ni­cal writing. Acro­bat DC Essen­tial Training GitHub Work­ing Remotely Learn­ing Confluence Instruc­tion­al […]
Read more » Online Learning Resources for Technical Writers

Exceeding Client Expectations

[…]delight clients and super­vi­sors? One way is to go “above and beyond” what is asked of you. For exam­ple, if your client asks you to re-write an online top­ic, you could improve the top­ic but also add an illus­tra­tion that clar­i­fies a con­cept as well as improve an aspect of the […]

The Gig Economy: An Increasingly Popular and Better Way to Work

[…]from it. Casu­al earn­ers: those who use inde­pen­dent work for sup­ple­men­tal income and do so by choice. Reluc­tants: those who make their pri­ma­ry liv­ing from inde­pen­dent work but would pre­fer tra­di­tion­al jobs. Finan­cial­ly strapped: those who do sup­ple­men­tal and inde­pen­dent work out of necessity. As some­one who prefers to work as a free […]
Read more » The Gig Economy: An Increasingly Popular and Better Way to Work

List of Online Webinars and 2019 Conferences for Technical Writers

[…]offers time­ly and insight­ful thoughts on tech­ni­cal writ­ing trends: The Soci­ety for Tech­ni­cal Com­mu­ni­ca­tion (STC) also offers webi­na­rs and cours­es for a fee: Here’s a list of upcom­ing con­fer­ences this year in North America. Lava­con, Octo­ber 27–30, 2019, Port­land, OR Mad­World Con­fer­ence, April 14–17, 2019, San Diego, CA STC annu­al […]
Read more » List of Online Webinars and 2019 Conferences for Technical Writers

First Impressions of Adobe RoboHelp 2019

[…]some wel­come improve­ments by dis­play­ing key­words as users type in the search field. For exam­ple, when I start typ­ing a search query about “con­tact­ing,” Robo­Help starts pro­vid­ing sug­ges­tions on the fly, sim­i­lar to Google’s search engine. Robo­Help 2019 includes pre­dic­tive search but will also fix users’ typos.  For exam­ple, if I type “HTML5 […]