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Improve your training with practice and feedback

[…]stu­dents (or learn­ers) required. There was the employ­ee who was threat­ened about shar­ing too much for fear of los­ing her job so she with­held knowl­edge, ren­der­ing the train­ing almost use­less. I could go on. In my expe­ri­ence, senior man­age­ment holds the belief that any­one can train. But few peo­ple do it well. Too […]
Read more » Improve your training with practice and feedback

My impressions of the MadCap Flare certification

[…]tech­ni­cal doc­u­men­ta­tion when prod­uct names keep chang­ing (an all-too-com­mon scenario). Think­ing about sin­gle-sourc­ing best practices. Cre­at­ing dif­fer­ent tar­gets using conditions. Set­ting up con­tent so it can eas­i­ly viewed on tablets and mobile devices. Work­ing with Flare con­tent that resides in a con­tent man­age­ment system. Over­all, I am glad I took the test. Even […]
Read more » My impressions of the MadCap Flare certification

Would Faceted Search Assist Your Users?

[…]you can see why Google offered addi­tion­al fil­ters to help you nar­row your search results. For exam­ple, if you’re look­ing for pic­tures of pump­kins, you can type “pump­kins” in the search field and click Images. Alter­na­tive­ly, if you’re inter­est­ed in the lat­est books about Thanks­giv­ing, you can search for that […]

Three reasons you should allow comments in your documentation

[…]and you’ll prob­a­bly notice that a minor­i­ty of your users are the most like­ly to comment. Here are a few exam­ples of online doc­u­men­ta­tion that encour­ages online dis­cus­sions and comments: Microsoft’s Devel­op­er Net­work is one of the first exam­ples of com­mu­ni­ty-con­tributed content. Atlass­ian allows users to post com­ments on its doc­u­men­ta­tion wiki. […]
Read more » Three reasons you should allow comments in your documentation

Managing risk in your career

[…]pen­sion. For many peo­ple, this is utopia. Com­pare these gov­ern­ment work­ers to real-estate agents, who need to hus­tle to find their work. Occa­sion­al­ly, they sell an expen­sive home and col­lect a lucra­tive com­mis­sion. The next month, how­ev­er, they may not sell any­thing. Their incomes are great some times, fol­lowed by lean […]

RoboHelp 2017 Delivers Improved Search

[…]some­what sur­pris­ing that Nielsen found that they are often not very savvy when it comes to for­mu­lat­ing search queries.  He writes: “Typ­i­cal users are very poor at query refor­mu­la­tion: If they don’t get good results on the first try, lat­er search attempts rarely suc­ceed. In fact, they often give up.” RoboHelp’s new […]

Generating iPad content using RoboHelp 10

[…]lin­ear­ly. Users of tech­ni­cal doc­u­ments do not read this way. They skip from top­ic to top­ic in an effort to find the answers they need. * Extra app required. iBooks, Apple’s e‑reader app, is not pre-installed on the iPad. Users first need to down­load the free app before they can read […]


[…]that is avail­able on a web site. Of course the mod­el isn’t per­fect. Per­for­mance, for exam­ple, could be an issue. But if soft­ware ven­dors can ensure a secure envi­ron­ment and offer decent per­for­mance, I think the idea has a lot […]

Online Learning Resources for Technical Writers

[…]the region I live, the local library offers res­i­dents a free mem­ber­ship to If you don’t already have a paid mem­ber­ship, you may want to check whether your library pro­vides com­pli­men­ta­ry access. Here is a sam­pling of some cours­es relat­ed to tech­ni­cal writing. Acro­bat DC Essen­tial Training GitHub Work­ing Remotely Learn­ing Confluence Instruc­tion­al […]
Read more » Online Learning Resources for Technical Writers

Ways to keep your skills sharp

[…]up on Robo­Help, FrameMak­er, Microsoft Office pro­grams, Cas­cad­ing Style Sheets (CSS), and Search Engine Opti­miza­tion for web sites.  One glar­ing exception— does not offer train­ing for Mad­Cap Flare. Recorded webinars I reg­u­lar­ly watch record­ed webinars. Adobe offers free record­ed videos for tech­ni­cal writers: Mad­Cap also offers free webinars: Scrip­to­ri­um […]