As a Vancouver technical writer and instructional designer with more than 20 years of experience, I’ve created dozens of deliverables—including user guides, online help, content for mobile devices, simulations, interactive sessions, and Follow Me walk throughs—that make it easier for users to use technology.
Some of my strengths include:
• Breadth of experience. I have ample experience writing help systems, user guides, release notes, quick reference cards, online videos, troubleshooting content for support web sites, and instructional design and marketing content for a number of companies including Adobe, ADP, BC Hydro, Boeing, Change Healthcare, City of Vancouver, Electronic Arts, FortisBC, ICBC, Kal Tire, Kodak, SRK Consulting, and Teck Resources Limited.
• Proven project management. I adeptly juggle multiple deliverables, I deliver when I say I will, and I always strive to deliver content on or before a deadline. At Boeing, I managed the creation of a 700-topic help system, seven quick reference cards, a getting started guide, and a myriad of learning modules for a software application designed to help Boeing manage all of its domestic and international suppliers.
• Expertise with technology. Demonstrated knowledge of MadCap Flare, MadCap Lingo, mobile apps, Perforce, JavaScript, Cascading Style Sheets, SharePoint, Confluence, Visio, Search Engine Optimization, web analytics, WordPress, Drupal, Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA), Oxygen XML Editor, Adobe RoboHelp, EPUB files, HTML5, SAP, Microsoft Dynamics 365, blogs, wikis, Markdown, single-sourcing, Snagit, and writing SDK documentation. I have earned my MadCap Advanced Developer certification.
Documentation for Mobile Devices
Most recently, I’ve created EPUB and HTML5 files for clients. EPUB and HTML5 files change how technical communicators deliver mobile documentation.
I’ve blogged about formatting EPUB files and spoke about the subject at the WritersUA conference in Seattle and the Canada West Coast Chapter of the Society for Technical Communication (STC). In 2013, I wrote an article for the STC’s Intercom magazine too. Here is a sample page:
I have also written blog posts about mobile apps and a white paper for Adobe on mobile app trends. The following images display the first two pages from the white paper:
User Guides
I’ve written many users guides over the years, and earned an international award of excellence for one document that I wrote.
One of the documents that I’m proud of is the Prinergy Evo Understanding Layout User Guide. The guide addresses how to use a complex part of Prinergy Evo software, which is designed to help commercial printers prepare and output their files to proofers and presses.
The guide was created after the Prinergy Evo support team realized that many of their users struggled with one aspect of the software. As part of the support team, I worked with subject matter experts to hone the key messages, liaised with a graphic designer to create the illustrations, and then posted the finished document to Kodak’s support web site.
The Prinergy Evo Understanding Layout User Guide was well received within the company and was embraced by local and international users. After the guide was uploaded, I confirmed (using web analytics software) that the document was one of the most downloaded PDFs after its release. In the months that followed, support calls on the issue began to drop. Here is a sample page from the document.
Microsoft Word Templates
I have designed Word templates that include a title page, a table of contents, headers and footers, content controls, fields, document properties that repeat, styles, and pages that accommodate both landscape and portrait pages for SRK and Capstone Copper.
Online Help
I have created many online help projects for companies. At FortisBC, I documented dozens of SAP procedures for Call Centre Staff. We wrote content in Microsoft Word and then uploaded the content to an internal SharePoint 2010 web site. Here is a screen capture of a procedure that I wrote and illustrated.
Single Source Publishing
I have employed single source publishing when creating deliverables at Boeing, Kodak, and Teck Resources. Single source publishing is most often understood as the creation of one source document in an authoring tool (for example, MadCap Flare) and converting that document into different formats (such as online help or quick reference cards) with minimal effort.
Training Content
I have researched, written, and delivered instructional design content, including training plans, learning guides, Adobe Captivate, uPerform files, Opus files, self-directed e‑learning content, and job aids.
XML Authoring
I am well versed in writing technical documentation in XML using DITA.
When I worked at Kodak in Burnaby, British Columbia, the company employed 25 writers and instructional designers, making content re-use a priority. We authored content in XMetaL. I have also used Oxygen XML Editor for ICBC.
Web Authoring
I’ve maintained many web sites—including corporate intranets and support web sites. I also designed and maintain this site. I’m adept at using HTML, web authoring tools, wikis, and writing blogs.
Localization Work
I worked with a third-party translation vendor to localize content for French users for a well-established radiology program, which manages, displays, and stores medical images, video, and associated patient and medical information. In addition, I identified and implemented workflow improvements for the translation process, including maintaining a term base, creating checklists to standardize the review of localized documents, and identifying tasks that could be automated using macros.
Quick Reference Cards and Getting Started Documents
Quick reference cards and getting started guides provide users with print-based, highly graphical documents that typically introduce a new product. I’ve created many quick reference cards and managed the translation of the files into nearly 10 languages.
Online Demonstrations
Online demonstrations or videos are great at quickly conveying key messages. At Kal Tire, I created step-by-step procedures, simulations, interactive sessions, and Follow Me walk throughs of key tasks in Microsoft Dynamics 365 using Epilogue Opus.
Presentation and Delivery Skills
I have delivered virtual and instructor-led presentations as a writing instructor for Simon Fraser University and Vancouver Community College.
I’d be happy to you show you some samples of my portfolio. Contact me today.