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[…]site. Employ­ees can take advan­tage of Real­ly Sim­ple Syn­di­ca­tion (RSS), com­ments, and peer rat­ing of each podcast. Employ­ees can down­load the pod­casts to a vari­ety of devices. Being Microsoft, you might expect that employ­ees would only be able to down­load con­tent to devices like Microsoft’s own Zune MP3 play­er. But Pao­lo not­ed that […]


[…]Docs, a suite of cloud-based office soft­ware. I’m work­ing on con­tract for a com­pa­ny that makes gov­ern­ment soft­ware that runs on Sales­force, anoth­er cloud-based com­pa­ny. So it’s notable that there’s lit­tle dis­cus­sion about cloud-based author­ing soft­ware for tech­ni­cal writers. Cloud com­put­ing basi­cal­ly means soft­ware than runs on the Inter­net ver­sus soft­ware installed […]

Embedding Fonts in EPUB Files

[…]is Much Easier Now Thank­ful­ly, in new­er Help Author­ing Tools, embed­ding fonts is much easier. Downloading the Font To down­load the font: Vis­it a site such as Google WebFonts. Find a font that you like. Down­load and install it on your com­put­er that is run­ning Robo­Help (2015). Adding a Custom Font to your EPUB File In your […]

Creating a Mobile App for Android Devices

[…]in the Result: Mobile App out­put has been gen­er­at­ed suc­cess­ful­ly dia­log box. Downloading the Mobile App The next step explains how to get the mobile app loaded onto your Android tablet or smartphone. To down­load the mobile app to your Android phone: In your phone’s or tablet’s brows­er, type the URL […]

Three Ways to Customize a Mobile App

[…]in the Result: Mobile App out­put has been gen­er­ated suc­cess­fully dia­log box. Downloading the Mobile App The next step explains how to get the mobile app loaded onto your Android tablet or smartphone. To down­load the mobile app to your Android phone: In your phone’s or tablet’s brows­er, type the URL […]

Generating iPad content using RoboHelp 10

[…]you specified. To syn­chro­nize the file to an iPad, ensure you have iTunes installed on your com­put­er. In addi­tion, you need to install iBooks, a free e‑reader on your iPad. Con­nect your iPad to your computer. In iTunes, click the Sum­ma­ry but­ton and select the Man­u­al­ly man­age music and videos check box. Locate […]

Does job security exist anymore?

[…]that it needs to cut costs and your ser­vices are no longer need­ed. But with that stress comes excite­ment. I’ve worked on con­tract for more than four years and have been work­ing con­sis­tent­ly, except for the occa­sion­al two- to three-week break. High­er income. I don’t receive paid vaca­tion, health and den­tal […]